Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Handbook of Queensland Datestamps and Instructional Markings

This handbook is a free, detailed, illustrated, priced online catalog of colonial Queensland postage stamp date stamps (postmarks) and instructional markings. It builds on and supersedes the printed catalog Queensland Colonial Postal History: The Town Datestamps, 2nd edition by Bernard Manning, published in 2014. 

All stamp images shown are from my own collection unless stated otherwise and are not for sale.

There were six main date stamp types in use, first unframed and then framed, with a number of subtypes. A detailed listing is available here. The rarity ratings are based on relative scarcity and range from common, meaning examples are plentiful, through to 5R, where only one or two copies are known.

It covers the period 1846 (with the opening of the Drayton and Ipswich post offices) to 1913. This can be broken down into two periods:
  • 1846 - 1859/60 - the Moreton Bay period - before Queensland became a separate colony and when New South Wales stamps and date stamps were in use
  • 1859/60 to about 1913 - the colonial (Dec 1859 - 1900) and State (1901 - 1913) periods - when Queensland stamps and date stamps were in use, before being progressively replaced by Australian Kangaroo and King George V stamps from 1913 onwards

The Handbook covers over 750 Queensland post offices, and some 20,000 colour images - in date order - are included to assist with identification. Instructional markings are also listed, including Crown sealsDeficient postageLate feeMachine cancelsMissent, PaidTelegraphToo late and Unclaimed. The various railway Travelling Post Office (TPO) date stamps till 1936 are covered in detail and 140 Queensland post offices where date stamps have not yet been seen are also listed. 

The Brisbane General Post office (GPO) opened in 1830 and due to the large number of date stamps and handstamps in use there, I have created a separate blog for it here.

Use the pages (at the top on the web version, dropdown menu at the top right of the mobile version), labels or search function (web version only) to find the information you are seeking. 

A huge thank you to the members of the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group for all their help, encouragement and thousands of date stamp examples. I will continue to update this catalog as new material comes to hand. If you have any examples to add, please contact me at jeremy2929@gmail.com

I encourage you to explore my other free Queensland Philatelic blogs

Thursday, 6 March 2025


Longreach post office, 100 km west of Barcaldine, opened on 1 October 1891
  • Datestamp type 3c (28 December 1892 - 27 September 1898) rated Common
  • Datestamp type 4a (3 June 1899 - 29 March 1911) rated Common
  • Datestamp type 4at (8 June 1898 - 25 August 1910) rated Rare
  • Datestamp type 4bt (27 August 1903 - 2 July 1905) rated 2R
  • Datestamp type 6t (7 June 1911 - 3 March 1913) rated 2R
  • Deficient postage 2d (1896) rated 5R - $100 on cover
The Longreach duplex canceller numeral 592 is seen used from 1900 onwards. It comprises a framed datestamp 25 mm in diameter and the obliterator portion of the canceller comprises 32 unbroken rays. It is easily distinguishable from the Longreach datestamps as they are all unframed, except for type 6 which has the date in one line whereas the date stamp portion of the duplex canceller has the date in three lines

Longreach duplex obliterator

Longreach numeral 458 HERE. Longreach numeral 592 HERE. Longreach registered HERE

Datestamp type 3c
Longreach datestamp type 3c dated 14 June 1893. Rated common. Seen in Smithies

Longreach datestamp type 3c dated 25 November 1893. Rated common. Seen in Smithies

Longreach datestamp type 3c dated 14 February 1895. Rated common. Seen on Ebay

Longreach datestamp type 3c dated 10 March 1896. Rated common. Seen on Ebay

Longreach datestamp type 3c dated 15 June 1896. Rated common

Longreach datestamp type 3c dated 9 December 1896. Rated common

Longreach datestamps type 3c dated 5 August 1895 - 10 September 1897. Rated common

Datestamp type 4a
Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 30 September 1899. Rated common

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 4 July 1900. Rated common. Seen on Ebay

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 19 February 1901. Rated common. Seen in a private collection

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 19 February 1901. Rated common. Seen on Stampboards

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 1 December 1901. Rated common

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 1 October 1903. Rated common. Seen in a private collection

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 1 October 1903. Rated common. Seen in a private collection


Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 22 April 1904. Rated common

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 14 September 1904. Rated common. Seen in a private collection

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 11 January 1905. Rated common. Seen in a private collection

Longreach datestamp type 4a dated 22 August 1907. Rated common

Datestamp type 4at
Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 8 June 1898. Rated rare. Seen in a private collection

Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 3 December 1898. Rated rare. Seen on Ebay

Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 6 December 1898. Rated rare. Seen on Stampboards

Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 16 May 1899. Rated rare. Seen on Ebay

Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 24 August 1899. Rated rare. Seen on Ebay

Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 10 January 1907. Rated rare. Seen on Ebay

Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 13 July 1907. Rated rare

Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 15 October 1907. Rated rare. Seen in a private collection

Longreach datestamp type 4at dated 25 August 1910. Rated rare. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting facebook Group

Datestamp type 4bt
Longreach datestamp type 4bt dated 8 September 1903. Rated 2R. Seen in a private collection

Longreach datestamp type 4bt dated 15 September 1903. Rated 2R

Longreach datestamp type 4bt dated 31 August 1904. Rated 2R. Seen in a private collection

Datestamp type 6t
Longreach datestamps type 6t dated 7 June 1911. Rated 2R

Longreach datestamp type 6t dated 20 October 1912. Rated 2R. Seen in Smithies

Deficient Postage 
Longreach Deficient Postage dated 10 March 1896. Rated 5R. Seen on Ebay

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Lower Herbert

Lower Herbert post office, 97 km north west of Townsville, opened on 1 July 1871 and was renamed Ingham post office on 19 January 1882
  • Datestamp type 3a (May 188-) rated 5R - $100
Lower Herbert numeral 27 HERE

Datestamp type 3a
Lower Herbert datestamp type 3a. Dated May 188-. Rated 5R. Seen in the collection of Dave Elsmore 

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Southern and Western Railway - TPO 1

Southern and Western Railway [S&WR], TPO 1 (Travelling Post office), running between Toowoomba and Cunnamulla, from January 1877 to 12 August 1932
  • Datestamp type 1a - DOWN Code A (27 mm) (5 December 1881 - 1887) rated 3R
  • Datestamp type 1a - DOWN Code A Gang 1 (27 mm) (35 February 1878) rated 3R
  • Datestamp type 1a - UP (27 mm) (15 March 1894) rated 5R
  • Datestamp type 1a - UP Code A  (27 mm) (12 August 1882) rated 3R
  • Datestamp type 1b - DOWN (27 mm) (30 November 1895) rated 5R
  • Datestamp type 1b - DOWN  Code A (27 mm) (8 August 1884 - 25 August 1888) rated 2R
  • Datestamp type 1b - UP  Code A (27 mm) (October 1891 - 15 February 1892) rated 3R
  • Datestamp type 3 Code A (28 mm) (1 January 1898 - 24 March 1906) rated Common
  • Datestamp type 3 Code B (28 mm) rated (22 May 1902) 2R
  • Datestamp type 3 Code D (28 mm) (May 1893 - 28 April 1910) rated Rare
  • Datestamp type 5 - DOWN (26.5 mm) (24 August 1915 - 10 November 1923) rated 2R
  • Datestamp type 5 - UP (26 mm) (20 September 1915 - 26 November 1919) rated 2R
  • Datestamp type 6 (29 mm) (7 February 1913) rated 5R
  • Datestamp type 7 - DOWN (30 mm) rated 4R
  • Datestamp type 7 - UP (30 mm) (8 August 1931 - 23 February 1932) rated 3R
Southern and Western Railway - TPO 1 numeral 233 HERE

L - R: Type 1a (unframed),  Type 1b (unframed), Type 3 (framed), Type 5 (framed), Type 6 (framed), Type 7 (framed)

Datestamp Type 1a DOWN Code A (unframed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1a DOWN Code A rated 3R. Dated 5 December 1881. Seen in Abacus auction no 243 lot no 530

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1a DOWN Code A rated 3R. Dated 1887. Seen on Ebay

Datestamp Type 1a DOWN Code A Gang 1 (unframed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1a DOWN Code A Gang 1 rated 3R. Dated 25 February 1878. Seen in Abacus auction no 243 lot no 530

Datestamp Type 1a UP (unframed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1a UP rated 5R. Dated 15 March 1894. Seen on Ebay

Datestamp Type 1a UP Code A (unframed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1a UP Code A rated 3R. Dated 12 August 1882. Seen in Abacus auction no 243 lot no 530

Datestamp Type 1b DOWN (unframed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1b DOWN rated 5R. Dated 30 November 1895. 
Seen in a private collection

Datestamp Type 1b DOWN Code A (unframed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1b DOWN Code A rated 2R. Dated 8 August 1884. Seen in a private collection

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1b DOWN Code A rated 2R. Dated 10 December 1884. Seen in Phoenix auction no 65

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1b DOWN Code A rated 2R. Dated 29 January 1886. Seen in a private collection

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1b DOWN Code A rated 2R. Dated 25 August 1888. Seen in the collection of Dave Hopper

Unclear date
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1b DOWN Code A rated 2R. Dated 27 September 188-. Seen in a private collection

Datestamp Type 1b UP Code A (unframed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1b UP Code A rated 3R. Dated October 1891. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 1b UP Code A rated 3R. Dated 15 February 1892. Seen in Abacus auction no 243 lot no 530

Datestamp Type 3 Code A (framed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 1 January 1898

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 4 October 1900. Seen in Abacus auction no 243 lot no 530

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 29 January 1901. Seen in Torstenweller auctions

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 9 July 1903

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 22 October 1903. Seen in a private collection

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 25 October 1903. Seen in a private collection

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 1 August 1904

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 1 February 1905

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 7 February 1905. Seen in a private collection

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code A rated common. Dated 24 March 1906. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Datestamp Type 3 Code B (framed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code B rated 2R. Dated 22 May 1902. Seen in Abacus auction no 243 lot no 530

Datestamp Type 3 Code D (framed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated May 1893. Seen in Prestige Philately auction no 146 lot no 1081

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated 20 September 1900. Seen in Abacus auction no 243 lot no 530

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated 24 June 1902. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated 29 August 1902. Courtesy of Dave Elsmore

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated 2 January 1903. Courtesy of Dave Elsmore

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated 10 May 1903. Courtesy of Dave Elsmore

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated 21 January 1904. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated 24 January 1905. Seen on Ebay


Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 3 Code D rated rare. Dated 28 April 1910. Seen in a private collection

Datestamp Type 5 DOWN (framed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 5 DOWN rated 2R. Dated 24 August 1915. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 5 DOWN rated 2R. Dated 19 November 1919. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Unclear date
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 5 DOWN rated 2R. Dated 22 June. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 5 DOWN rated 2R. Dated 22 December. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Datestamp Type 5 UP (framed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 5 UP rated 2R Dated 20 September 1915. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 5 UP rated 2R. Dated 28 May 1917. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 5 UP rated 2R. Dated 26 November 1919. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Datestamp Type 6 (framed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 6 rated 5R. Dated 7 February 1913. Seen in Abacus auction no 240 lot no 525

Datestamp Type 7 UP (framed)
Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 7 UP rated 3R. Dated 8 August 1931. Courtesy of Dave Elsmore

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 7 UP rated 3R. Dated 1 December 1931. Seen in Abacus auction no 243

Southern and Western Railway datestamp type 7 UP rated 3R. Dated 23 February 1932. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group