Thursday 9 June 2022

Mitchell Downs

Mitchell Downs post office, 85 km west of Roma, opened on 1 January 1865 and was renamed Mitchell in 1878

  • Datestamp type 3c (25 May 1875 - 2 April 1877) rated 5R
Mitchell Downs numeral 80 HERE

Datestamp type 3c
Mitchell Downs datestamp type 3c dated 25 May 1875. Rated 5R. Seen in a private collection. Ex 

Mitchell Downs datestamp type 3c dated 16 March 1876. Rated 5R. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Mitchell Downs datestamp type 3c dated 2 April 1877. Rated 5R. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

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