Saturday 30 July 2022

Mount Whitestone

Mount Whitestone post office, 16 km south south west of Gatton, opened in early February 1911
  • Datestamp type 6 (29 February 1911 - 14 March 1913) rated 4R
Mount Whitestone numeral 719 HERE

Datestamp type 6
Mount Whitestone datestamp type 6 dated 1912. Rated 4R

Mount Whitestone datestamp type 6 dated 19 February 1913. Rated 4R

Mount Whitestone datestamp type 6 dated February 1913. Rated 4R. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

Mount Whitestone datestamp type 6 dated 20 March. Rated 4R. Seen in the Queensland Stamp Collecting Facebook Group

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